1 Corinthians 13:13


“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”
King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations of 1 Corinthians 13:13

And now abideth faith, hope, charitie, these three, but the greatest of these is charitie.
- King James Version (1611) - Compare to scan of original 1 Corinthians chapter 13

But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.
- New American Standard Version (1995)

But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love.
- American Standard Version (1901)

But now we still have faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love.
- Basic English Bible

And now abide faith, hope, love; these three things; and the greater of these [is] love.
- Darby Bible

And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.
- Douay Rheims Bible

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
- Webster's Bible

And so there remain Faith, Hope, Love--these three; and of these the greatest is Love.
- Weymouth Bible

But now faith, hope, and love remain--these three. The greatest of these is love.
- World English Bible

And now dwellen feith, hope, and charite, these thre; but the most of these is charite.
- Wycliffe Bible

and now there doth remain faith, hope, love -- these three; and the greatest of these [is] love.
- Youngs Literal Bible


Rick Colombe's comment on 2021-10-16 17:59:10:

Thank you Grace for sharing God's Word as relating to tongues. I feel the need to share a story I was told by a missionary some years back. I can't recall what country he was in, but for the sake of his witness we'll call it Thailand. He had told me that during one of there church services a women had spoken out in a tongue, but there was no interpretation. After the service was over, an older Chinese woman asked the woman who had spoken out in a tongue, if she knew what she had said. She answered that she had no idea, but was certain that she was praising God the whole time. The older Chinese woman told her no she was not, and in fact, the entire time she was using her "tongues" she was actually cursing God. Needless to say the woman who spoke out in a "tongue" repented and never used it again. With that said, please be careful all that speak in a "tongue" or "heavenly language", because you no not want to give service to the enemy. May God give us eyes to see and ears to hear all of what He would have for us.


GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE}'s comment on 2021-10-15 16:51:18:

1 Corinthians 13:8-10 Precious friends, Has the "gift" of tongues ceased? Some say no. What Saith The PERFECT Scriptures {or Are They PERFECT?}:

"Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when That Which Is Perfect Is Come, then that which is in part shall be done away."

IF "The Scriptures Are PERFECT, And, Since They Have Already Come," Then the "gift" of tongues has ceased. Do some believe in IMperfect Scriptures, so tongues have Not ceased? IF so, then how do they "know The PERFECT Truth Of God," calling it IMperfect? What Saith The HOLY Scriptures?:

1) Paul "Completed or Filled Up" The Scriptures With Romans Through Philemon, Which Show us God's 'Program' Of Pure GRACE In HIS "Revelation Of The MYSTERY" For Today's "Dispensation Of God, 'Full-Filling' God's Word Of Truth!" Colossians 1:25

2) God HIMSELF Considers HIS Word PERFECT, Else Why Would HE "Do The Following"?:

"I will worship toward THY holy temple, and praise THY Name for THY Lovingkindness and for THY Truth: for THOU Hast 'Magnified' Thy WORD Above All THY {Perfect!} Name!" Psalms 138:2 cp Psalms 12:6-7 "God's Pure And Preserved Word," Correct?

3) Since God Does Not have these three "gifts of prophecy, tongues, and word of knowledge" in effect, today, What Does HE "have In Effect"? What Saith The Scriptures?:

"And NOW Abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but The Greatest of these is Charity!" 1 Corinthians 13:13 PERFECT Truth, Correct, Precious friends?

Please Be Richly Encouraged, Enlightened, Exhorted, and Edified!

2 Timothy 2:15; Romans 16:25; Ephesians 1:3-9; Ephesians 3:9 = Grace/Mystery fellowship [Romans - Philemon], For ALL "to SEE," today, since "that which is in part has been done away" (1Co 13:10 )?

God's 'Simple' Will: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Discussion-Thread-168926/#0


Chris's comment on 2021-01-22 22:58:35:

Thank you for sharing so intimately Suzanne. I know, life get's quite difficult & complicated when we have to experience hurdles or sadnesses that might cause us to lose our grip on it. In your case, after the passing away of your Aunt & then an Uncle, you began to console yourself somewhat by needlessly buying things. While it's true that we respond differently to situations, it's more important that we realize that we are no longer in control of ourselves & doing what is right for our lives, & seek to stop our actions, committing ourselves to the Lord for help.

We have a lady friend, a good Christian, who grew up in a very poor family, barely having any comforts in life apart from a bed & other essentials. Also being abused as a youngster, added to her sadness & poor outlook on life. After her marriage to a fine Christian man & both having good jobs, she all of a sudden came 'into money' which she never had before. Not having the privilege of learning about administering finances, she started to buy things (e.g. if she liked a pair of shoes in one colour, she had to have it in all the colours available in the store so she would have a matching pair for her (many) clothes). Her husband despairs, but understands where she's coming from & to some extent allows her. But what we see is a reaction, however abnormal & absurd, to a life of poverty earlier.

Even though you have bought cheaply over the internet, it's still money that has not been wisely spent - it helps to think that we could put aside that spare cash to give to someone in need - it may become more satisfying to you to see the expression of appreciation on someone's face than of a build up of silver objects in the drawer. And of course, the Lord would be pleased by your acts of love to your 'neighbour' & denying yourself. Commit this specific weakness (certainly not a major sin) to the Lord - ask Him what you can do for others or provide for another's needs, that can help you overcome this weakness.


Suzanne's comment on 2021-01-22 03:54:43:

Thanks again 4 talking 2 me about this ,i do appreciate your input very much ,there r 2 things that i struggle with amd im happy 2 talk about 21 of them ,i shall try 2 keep it brief ,in 2017 i was under some stress and sadness that i wasnt able 2 express properly ,my favourite aunty who i love very much became very ill and i knew as soon as i heard that she would die of it ,no one else in my family seemed 2 think this would happen but i knew she wwoulddie ,of course i couldnt go around telling every one this ,so i had 2 keep it 2 my self so in effect i started grieving inwardly 4 her 6 months b 4 she actually died ,during this time i had my 50th birthday and was expected 2 celebrate and b happy so i had 2 put a face on 4 that ,my aunty died 1 week after my 50th .Well ,ive never had a lot of sympathy or patience 4 people with addiction problems ,whatever their addiction might b ,i come from a family of addicts of all sorts ,but when i heard about my aunty i started 2 buy things of the internet ,mostly bits of silver jewellery ,im not rich so i was careful 2 look 4 bargains but i was so happy 2 recieve something nice in the post when i was feeling quite miserable ,by 2018 i realised what i was doing and got a grip of myself then covid came and at the very begining of the 1st lockdown in march my most favourite uncle died suddenly and we werent able 2 give him a family burial ,si ive been buying a few bits of silver again and im so annoyedat myself ,i think imgetting a grip again ,maybe i neede 2 learn not 2 look down my nose at addicts ? I think ive got a handle on my covetousness but i need 2 b tougher in my faith and appreciate all that i have ,better is the sight of the eye than the wandering of the desire.Thanks 4 all your help .


Chris's comment on 2021-01-21 14:26:43:

Whether it is sin that weights us down in life or other debilitating circumstances we find ourselves in, it is in God's Plan that both His Spirit & His children be ready to assist to save another from being overwhelmed in Satan's grip. When one member of the Body suffers, we all suffer & the only remedy we can give is our support & encouragement.

I was interested to read your comment: "satan does not make me sin ,i am the sinner ,the sin is all mine ,i am responsible 4 my own sin". I think I understand what you're saying, if by that you mean, that the sin in you & which continues to surface, is because it's already there & that Satan remains just a mute spectator. Even though there is merit in that & we all suffer with a fallen sinful nature passed on to us from the beginning, it is Satan himself who is ever present to appeal to that nature causing us to either obey his voice or to withstand him. Our fallen nature is just that: a nature already degenerated so that no good thing can come out of it. Yes, we might do many good things in our lifetime for people & society in general, but the equal propensity to do evil in our nature also exists. How often, we can be told of a man, decent in every way, loving his family, upright in business, but all of a sudden goes into an outrage against someone who has severely offended him & then lets all control & sensibility be lost, by taking another's life. That almost doesn't make sense, but it's reality as sin is ever present that can make us behave in unimaginable ways, not just by bringing disgrace to ourselves but in greatly offending God.

So you may be "the sinner & the sin is all yours", but every time you fall it's not just sin manifesting itself in you of its own accord, but Satan who takes up the fallen nature & your propensity to sin, to cause that root of sin to be revived & expressed. However, if one finds a delight to sin, I then agree that it comes from us - but we would need to question our faith. James 1:14,15.


Suzanne's comment on 2021-01-21 03:28:42:

Thankyou sooo much 4 taking the time 2 give me such encouragement and support ,i really do appreciate that and your words have comfortef me a lot ,im probably going 2 cause outrage now by saying publicly that satan does not make me sin ,i am the sinner ,the sin is all mine ,i am responsible 4 my own sin , the wages of sin is death and i earn those wages all by myself ,i know God loves and forgives me through Christ my sinless redeemer and you have cheered me up today by not allowing me 2 forget one of the most important principles of Christian truth ,forgiveness ,thanks so much ,may God bless you ,sorry ,may God continue to bless you .


Chris's comment on 2021-01-20 23:51:50:

Suzanne, I can see from what you've shared, that you are very sensitive & careful to please the Lord in every area of your life. And yes, we if are honest with ourselves, hardly a day would go by without some sin or some aberrant behaviour we express, that affects us before God & our own consciences. And it would be wrong for anyone to tell you that you are overly introspective & to overlook these things. No sin, however insignificant, can be overlooked & yet, as you state, we are daily cast upon God's mercies & forgiveness because of the shed Blood of His Son, for forgiveness & restoration.

This is the battle we all face in life as Christians & the word to us is always to persevere in our faith & not lose heart. Satan will always be at our door to force us or trap us into some sin - we will be victorious over some - we might fail in others. But I see a couple of key things here for you (& each of us): when our spirits are affected because of some act of sin, we know that it is God's Spirit within us Who is reminding us of our slip up & He is there to help you find forgiveness & restoration: God's Presence. The other thing is that through such failure, we are being taught & strengthened in being more watchful for the next time & in better dealing with it: God's Power. In other words, even though we might not see it, as we gain victories over sin, however small, we are learning to be fully cast upon the Lord & we are becoming more like Him.

If there's a particular area of your life that you know that Satan is attacking you in & causing you to sin, then it is something that needs to be brought before the Lord & your special attention through prayer, reading the Word & using it in those times of temptation. For some, it may be, being given to anger easily, or impatience, or careless thoughts, or many other areas of weakness. All these areas, God is able to help you, strengthen & guide you through, as you look to Him & rest in Him. 1 Corinthians 10:13; James 1:2,3.


MockingBird's comment on 2015-05-12 07:11:03:

In the Vines Greek Bible dictionary : Tells you to go to love : Love : Charity is love of a perfect Being : God : being expressed totally toward to entirely unworthy objects , me , a desire to help others seek the Giver of love : God : Love Charity seeks the welfare of all. I must back up what I believe by the word of God : Else it will fall to the ground and have none effect.


Kourtney's comment on 2015-01-14 21:09:25:

Charity means love that is why it is the greatest one out of all three. 1 John 4:7-8 reads Beloved, let us love one another for love is from God and whoever loves has been born of God and know God. Anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love.....So to love is to know God, and to know God is everything. so charity is love.


david benitez's comment on 2014-12-31 23:46:28:

faith,hope, love,we must fogive those who may had hurt us, that is th love of God.Faith is the forgiveness hope for the goodnesss to come


lisa's comment on 2014-10-11 19:34:18:

Charity is give to a person in need don 't hold your hand tide the lord can 't bless you Amen


Don's comment on 2014-07-29 03:42:07:

No matter how it 's translated, no matter what biblical, socioeconomic lens one chooses to view that chapter and verse, the foundational understanding that should be considered is how much of the three yea four are displayed in the totality of our lives? Love is God, therefore Love empowers, infuses our Faith, Hope Charity, to individually and corporately exist in the concerns of this world. They are individually wrapped together in the same bonding affect effect of the heart of Jesus Christ. Wouldn 't you agree?


MALCOLM HARRISON's comment on 2014-05-22 14:56:25:

Charity is a gift. Love is an aspect of Charity. So what is the greatest?


Cedric's comment on 2014-04-28 00:54:58:

matt.TRUST IN THE LORD YOUR GOD DO NOT DEPEND YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING AKNWOLEDGE HIM AND YOUR PAYH STRAIGHT.only thing we do is trusting god all the times and pray ands ask god for your lifetime partner a faithfukl woman.


ruth's comment on 2014-04-03 07:03:33:

If God is love and we are saved and filled with his holy spirit, shouldn 't we automatically have Charity? Yet, some Christians do not seem to to have charity. charity is love, patience,kind, willing to sacrifice one 's needs to help someone else. Like when the woman had only enough meal for her and her son, but because she had charity, it brought about faith and she gave her last food to the prophet of God even though she and her son might die...but was willing by


Dominguin's comment on 2014-02-12 21:48:59:

There is a difference in modern meaning between Charity and Love but reading 1611 KJV we can be flexible and go a bit further and accept the symbiosis Love fills in the empty spaces in our hearts Isn t this the purpose to read the Bible


ethelware's comment on 2014-02-11 22:29:08:

charity is giving to the poor and needed helping those that are in need Loving your neighbor as yourself give and God will give it back to you Youre reward are stored in heavenly places not only when we reach heaven God desire for the saints that we live in good health wealth the lender and not the borrow and our cup running over if we will do the will of the father and his will is that we love one another if we can only love and deny ourself then we can ask anything of the father and it shall be given unto us by faith


Augustin's comment on 2014-02-11 03:58:34:

Charity is long suffering no envy meekness not the way the world use it as collecting money


Nathan Osiemo's comment on 2013-11-19 08:54:48:

Hope is for things not seen,when they are seen no need of hope,we hope to be in heaven but we have not reached hence we hope for it.Faith is a substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen.We have not seen heaven,by faith we hope it is meant for us but when we reach there, no need of both hope and faith.Love or charity are not only for his life but because God is Love Love will continue in heaven because of His presence. Therefore Charity ,hope and faith are vehicles to lead us to our promised land but only LOVE will cross to eternity.


Pat's comment on 2013-11-14 12:07:45:

1 Corinthians 13:13, I understand catholism changed the word love for charity to receive more tithes to their religion.So how is the 1611 KJversion the inerrant word of God when the word "charity" replaced the word with "love"?


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