1 Maccabees 12:43


“But received him honourably, and commended him unto all his friends, and gave him gifts, and commanded his men of war to be as obedient unto him, as to himself.”
King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations of 1 Maccabees 12:43

But receiued him honourably, and cōmended him vnto all his friends, and gaue him gifts, and commaunded his men of warre to be as obedient vnto him, as to himselfe.
- King James Version (1611) - Compare to scan of original 1 Maccabees chapter 12

But received him with honour, and commended him to all his friends, and gave him presents: and he commanded his troops to obey him, as himself.
- Douay Rheims Bible


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