1 Peter 1:15


“But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;”
King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations of 1 Peter 1:15

But as hee which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all maner of conuersation;
- King James Version (1611) - Compare to scan of original 1 Peter chapter 1

but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all {your} behavior;
- New American Standard Version (1995)

but like as he who called you is holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all manner of living;
- American Standard Version (1901)

But be holy in every detail of your lives, as he, whose servants you are, is holy;
- Basic English Bible

but as he who has called you is holy, be ye also holy in all [your] conversation;
- Darby Bible

But according to him that hath called you, who is holy, be you also in all manner of conversation holy:
- Douay Rheims Bible

But as he who hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of deportment.
- Webster's Bible

but--in imitation of the holy One who has called you--you also must be holy in all your habits of life.
- Weymouth Bible

but just as he who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all of your behavior;
- World English Bible

but lijk him that hath `clepid you hooli; that also `ye silf be hooli in `al lyuyng;
- Wycliffe Bible

but according as He who did call you [is] holy, ye also, become holy in all behaviour,
- Youngs Literal Bible


Tshepo's comment on 2014-02-15 10:02:40:

1 Peter 1 15 here apostl Paul tells us that we shud imitate our creatr n walk in the footsteps of Christ to bi holli in al our conducts n liv accordin to his comandments


Sandy's comment on 2014-02-12 05:19:27:

It means whatever we a children of GOD s Speaks always make sure that our conversation is sober and clean


Darrion's comment on 2013-06-14 07:00:03:

All of those who call themselves children of God and think that its okay to use profanity and other unclean words and do unclean things need to read this scripture every day.... There is a standard in place we must live up to God's Standards if we want to get into Heaven


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