Judith 8:27


“For he hath not tried us in the fire, as he did them, for the examination of their hearts, neither hath he taken vengeance on us: but the Lord doth scourge them that come near unto him, to admonish them.”
King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations of Judith 8:27

For, hee hath not tried vs in the fire as he did them, for the examination of their hearts, neither hath hee taken vengeance on vs: but the Lord doeth scourge them that come neere vnto him to admonish them.
- King James Version (1611) - Compare to scan of original Judith chapter 8

But esteeming these very punishments to be less than our sins deserve, let us believe that these scourges of the Lord, with which like servants we are chastised, have happened for our amendment, and not for our destruction.
- Douay Rheims Bible

For he has not tested us in the fire, as he did them for the examination of their hearts, neither has he taken vengeance on us; but the Lord does scourge those who come near to him, to admonish them."
- World English Bible


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