Wisdom of Solomon 8:8


“If a man desire much experience, she knoweth things of old, and conjectureth aright what is to come: she knoweth the subtilties of speeches, and can expound dark sentences: she foreseeth signs and wonders, and the events of seasons and times.”
King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations of Wisdom of Solomon 8:8

If a man desire much experience: she knoweth things of old, and coniectureth aright what is to come: shee knoweth the subtilties of speaches, and can expound darke sentences: she foreseeth signes and wonders, and the euents of seasons and times.
- King James Version (1611) - Compare to scan of original Wisdom of Solomon chapter 8

And if a man desire much knowledge: she knoweth things past, and judgeth of things to come: she knoweth the subtilties of speeches, and the solutions of arguments: she knoweth signs and wonders before they be done, and the events of times and ages.
- Douay Rheims Bible


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